In the heart of the enchanted forest of Vriksh, there lies an ancient secret guarded by the oldest and wisest tree. To unlock this secret, you must discover a three-digit number. Each digit of this number is confined within specific ranges: - The first digit ranges between 0 and 2. - The second digit ranges between 0 and 5. - The third digit ranges between 0 and 5. Solve the following clues to find the number. The First Digit: I am neither the beginning nor the end. I reside in the middle, balancing the extremes. My value equals the number of vertices in the simplest polygon. The Second Digit: When I multiply myself by 2, I transform into the sum of my individual digits. If you rearrange my digits, I am still the same. The Third Digit: I am the only number that remains unchanged when you reverse its digits and then multiply the result by 5. I am a single step away from being twice as large as the first digit when squared.